Archive for September, 2012

Desert tortoise shell-game continues

Saturday, September 29th, 2012

Sixty desert tortoises, each equipped with a radio transmitter and trailing a small antenna, were released Sept. 21 at the southern end of the Nevada National Security Site, 60 miles northwest of Las Vegas. Researchers plan to track the critters over the next year as part of a $100,000 study ultimately aimed at increasing the […]

No Educrat Left Behind

Tuesday, September 25th, 2012

We pour far more money per student into the public schools than our grandparents did — even corrected for inflation. A small number of bright, hard-working kids, encouraged by parents who put an emphasis on achievement, continue to do well.

Economy tanks, Mideast in flames, Romney doomed

Sunday, September 23rd, 2012

I’m not a hop-up-and-down political champion of Mitt Romney. As an individual, Mr. Romney is a talented and decent man. It’s interesting to note the times he’s gotten in the most trouble with our left-leaning press, all they’ve been able to “get him on” is telling the truth in an incautious manner.

Someone hurt their FEELINGS? So they have to commit murder and buggery?

Saturday, September 22nd, 2012

Supporters of the Obama administration have taken to asking, as though someone made it up, “When did the administration apologize?” for the 14-minute video trailer for an amateurish film critical of Islam and its prophet, Muhammad, which was posted on YouTube this summer. In fact, the U.S. Embassy in Cairo issued an official condemnation of […]

There’s something wrong with these young men

Monday, September 10th, 2012

There were more disturbing — in fact, downright evil — mass shootings this summer, which of course brought more predictable knee-jerk calls for yet more gun control. “AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not on the streets of our cities,” said Barack Obama. (Actually, while the Second Amendment certainly does guarantee my right as […]

Administration plans 100,000 new highway deaths

Sunday, September 9th, 2012

It’s wonderful what the government can accomplish with a little gentle arm-twisting, especially after it’s set an example by seizing control of General Motors (rather than allowing an orderly bankruptcy, which would have allowed the outfit to escape its crippling labor contracts) and turning over part ownership of that once proud industrial giant to the […]

Science: Something made up to justify their latest power-grab

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

“Too many elected officials in Washington are still calling climate change a liberal hoax,” declared U.S. Sen. Harry Reid, in prepared remarks as he opened his fifth annual “National Clean Energy Summit” show in Las Vegas Aug. 7. “They falsely claim scientists are still debating whether carbon pollution is warming the planet. …” But “This […]